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Kubernetes Auditing

Auditing provides records of each request that arrives in the kube-apiserver. The audit record will indicate what happened and who requested it.

Enable Auditing

Enable auditing by installing an audit policy configuration file on each k8s master, creating a directory on the master to hold the audit logs, and providing the appropriate commandline options to kube-apiserver.

Install an audit policy

The audit policy file will be installed on each k8s master node as /etc/kubernetes/policies/audit-policy.yaml.

The following is an example audit policy file that captures events for the NNF stack. Other examples can be found later in this document.

kind: Policy

- RequestReceived

- level: Metadata
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "patch", "update"]

  - group:
  - group:
  - group:
  - group:

Create a log directory

Create a directory on each k8s master to contain the audit logs.

mkdir /var/log/kubernetes

Configure the kube-apiserver

The following is an example patch to apply to the /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml file on each k8s master node. The arguments in this patch refer to the audit policy file location and audit log location used earlier in this document.

Do not copy the kube-apiserver.yaml file to other master nodes. It contains IP addresses that are specific to one master node.

After applying this patch to kube-apiserver.yaml, clear any extra patch or backup files out of /etc/kubernetes/manifests because kubelet will read all of them, regardless of the file suffix.

The kubelet on that master will detect the change to the kube-apiserver.yaml file and will restart the kube-apiserver.

--- a/kube-apiserver.yaml-orig 2024-05-13 12:18:48.256680095 -0700
+++ b/kube-apiserver.yaml 2024-05-28 13:39:50.342694448 -0700
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@
     - --service-cluster-ip-range=
     - --tls-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt
     - --tls-private-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.key
+    - --audit-policy-file=/etc/kubernetes/policies/audit-policy.yaml
+    - --audit-log-path=/var/log/kubernetes/kube-apiserver-audit.log
+    - --audit-log-maxsize=100
     imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
@@ -86,6 +89,12 @@
     - mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/pki
       name: k8s-certs
       readOnly: true
+    - mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/policies/audit-policy.yaml
+      name: k8s-policies
+      readOnly: true
+    - mountPath: /var/log/kubernetes/
+      name: k8s-log
+      readOnly: false
   hostNetwork: true
   priority: 2000001000
   priorityClassName: system-node-critical
@@ -105,4 +114,12 @@
       path: /etc/kubernetes/pki
       type: DirectoryOrCreate
     name: k8s-certs
+  - hostPath:
+      path: /etc/kubernetes/policies/audit-policy.yaml
+      type: File
+    name: k8s-policies
+  - hostPath:
+      path: /var/log/kubernetes/
+      type: DirectoryOrCreate
+    name: k8s-log
 status: {}

## Disable auditing

Disable auditing by editing the `/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml` on each master to remove the `--audit-*` commandline options from the kube-apiserver configuration. The kubelet on that master will detect the change to the `kube-apiserver.yaml` file and will restart the kube-apiserver.

Clear any extra patch or backup files out of `/etc/kubernetes/manifests` because kubelet will read all of them, regardless of the file suffix.

## Auditing in KIND

The KIND environment that is created by the tools in nnf-deploy already has auditing enabled. See the notes in nnf-deploy's [audit-policy.yaml]( to access the audit log.

## Reading the audit log

The `jq(1)` command can be used to make sense of the audit logs. The following `jq` commands have proven useful to the NNF project:

Pretty-print the log events:

jq -M . kube-apiserver-audit.log | less

Dump a quick-to-digest summary of the log events:

jq -M '[.auditID,.verb,.requestURI,.user.username,.responseStatus.code,.stageTimestamp]' kube-apiserver-audit.log | less

Extract a specific event record from the log:

jq -M '. | select(.auditID=="d1053ee5-0734-4b40-815f-3f6831f82bac")' kube-apiserver-audit.log | less

Example audit policies

Log all activity from the clientmountd daemon. Extract records from the log with:

jq -M '.|select(.user.username=="system:serviceaccount:nnf-system:nnf-clientmount")' kube-apiserver-audit.log

This could also be adjusted to isolate any other ServiceAccount.

kind: Policy

- RequestReceived


- level: Metadata
  users: ["system:serviceaccount:nnf-system:nnf-clientmount"]
  - group: "" # core
  - group:
  - group:
  - group:
  - group:

A more complex audit-policy.yaml can be found in the nnf-deploy configuration for KIND environments.





Nnf-deploy contains a more complex audit policy: audit-policy.yaml