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Directive Breakdown


The #DW directives in a job script are not intended to be interpreted by the workload manager. The workload manager passes the #DW directives to the NNF software through the DWS workflow resource, and the NNF software determines what resources are needed to satisfy the directives. The NNF software communicates this information back to the workload manager through the DWS DirectiveBreakdown resource. This document describes how the WLM should interpret the information in the DirectiveBreakdown.

DirectiveBreakdown Overview

The DWS DirectiveBreakdown contains all the information necessary to inform the WLM how to pick storage and compute nodes for a job. The DirectiveBreakdown resource is created by the NNF software during the Proposal phase of the DWS workflow. The spec section of the DirectiveBreakdown is filled in with the #DW directive by the NNF software, and the status section contains the information for the WLM. The WLM should wait until the status.ready field is true before interpreting the rest of the status fields.

The contents of the DirectiveBreakdown will look different depending on the file system type and options specified by the user. The status section contains enough information that the WLM may be able to figure out the underlying file system type requested by the user, but the WLM should not make any decisions based on the file system type. Instead, the WLM should make storage and compute allocation decisions based on the generic information provided in the DirectiveBreakdown since the storage and compute allocations needed to satisfy a #DW directive may differ based on options other than the file system type.

Storage Nodes

The section of the DirectiveBreakdown describes how the storage allocations should be made and any constraints on the NNF nodes that can be picked. The section will exist only for jobdw and create_persistent directives. An example of the section is included below.

  directive: '#DW jobdw capacity=1GiB type=xfs name=example'
    userID: 7900
  ready: true
    - allocationStrategy: AllocatePerCompute
      label: xfs
      minimumCapacity: 1073741824
    lifetime: job
      kind: Servers
      name: example-0
      namespace: default
  • is a list of storage allocation sets that are needed for the job. An allocation set is a group of individual storage allocations that all have the same parameters and requirements. Depending on the storage type specified by the user, there may be more than one allocation set. Allocation sets should be handled independently.

  • specifies how the allocations should be made.

    • AllocatePerCompute - One allocation is needed per compute node in the job. The size of an individual allocation is specified in
    • AllocateAcrossServers - One or more allocations are needed with an aggregate capacity of This allocation strategy does not imply anything about how many allocations to make per NNF node or how many NNF nodes to use. The allocations on each NNF node should be the same size.
    • AllocateSingleServer - One allocation is needed with a capacity of
  • is a set of requirements for which NNF nodes can be picked. More information about the different constraint types is provided in the Storage Constraints section below.

  • is an opaque string that the WLM uses when creating the spec.allocationSets entry in the DWS Servers resource.

  • is the allocation capacity in bytes. The interpretation of this field depends on the value of

  • is used to specify how long the storage allocations will last.

    • job - The allocation will last for the lifetime of the job
    • persistent - The allocation will last for longer than the lifetime of the job
  • is an object reference to a DWS Servers resource where the WLM can specify allocations

Storage Constraints

Constraints on an allocation set provide additional requirements for how the storage allocations should be made on NNF nodes.

  • labels specifies a list of labels that must all be on a DWS Storage resource in order for an allocation to exist on that Storage.

    kind: Storage
      labels: Rabbit firmware_test fast
      name: rabbit-node-1
      namespace: default

  • colocation specifies how two or more allocations influence the location of each other. The colocation constraint has two fields, type and key. Currently, the only value for type is exclusive. key can be any value. This constraint means that the allocations from an allocation set with the colocation constraint can't be placed on an NNF node with another allocation whose allocation set has a colocation constraint with the same key. Allocations from allocation sets with colocation constraints with different keys or allocation sets without the colocation constraint are okay to put on the same NNF node.

        type: exclusive
        key: lustre-mgt

  • count this field specifies the number of allocations to make when is AllocateAcrossServers

      count: 5

  • scale is a unitless value from 1-10 that is meant to guide the WLM on how many allocations to make when is AllocateAcrossServers. The actual number of allocations is not meant to correspond to the value of scale. Rather, 1 would indicate the minimum number of allocations to reach, and 10 would be the maximum number of allocations that make sense given the and the compute node count. The NNF software does not interpret this value, and it is up to the WLM to define its meaning.

      scale: 8

Compute Nodes

The status.compute section of the DirectiveBreakdown describes how the WLM should pick compute nodes for a job. The status.compute section will exist only for jobdw and persistentdw directives. An example of the status.compute section is included below.

  directive: '#DW jobdw capacity=1TiB type=lustre name=example'
    userID: 3450
      - access:
        - priority: mandatory
          type: network
        - priority: bestEffort
          type: physical
          fieldPath: servers.spec.allocationSets[0]
          kind: Servers
          name: example-0
          namespace: default
      - access:
        - priority: mandatory
          type: network
          fieldPath: servers.spec.allocationSets[1]
          kind: Servers
          name: example-0
          namespace: default

The status.compute.constraints section lists any constraints on which compute nodes can be used. Currently the only constraint type is the location constraint. status.compute.constraints.location is a list of location constraints that all must be satisfied.

A location constraint consists of an access list and a reference.

  • status.compute.constraints.location.reference is an object reference with a fieldPath that points to an allocation set in the Servers resource. If this is from a #DW jobdw directive, the Servers resource won't be filled in until the WLM picks storage nodes for the allocations.
  • status.compute.constraints.location.access is a list that specifies what type of access the compute nodes need to have to the storage allocations in the allocation set. An allocation set may have multiple access types that are required
    • status.compute.constraints.location.access.type specifies the connection type for the storage. This can be network or physical
    • status.compute.constraints.location.access.priority specifies how necessary the connection type is. This can be mandatory or bestEffort


The status.requiredDaemons section of the DirectiveBreakdown tells the WLM about any driver-specific daemons it must enable for the job; it is assumed that the WLM knows about the driver-specific daemons and that if the users are specifying these then the WLM knows how to start them. The status.requiredDaemons section will exist only for jobdw and persistentdw directives. An example of the status.requiredDaemons section is included below.

  - copy-offload

The allowed list of required daemons that may be specified is defined in the nnf-ruleset.yaml for DWS, found in the nnf-sos repository. The ruleDefs.key[requires] statement is specified in two places in the ruleset, one for jobdw and the second for persistentdw. The ruleset allows a list of patterns to be specified, allowing one for each of the allowed daemons.

The DW directive will include a comma-separated list of daemons after the requires keyword. The following is an example:

#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=1GB name=stg1 requires=copy-offload

The DWDirectiveRule resource currently active on the system can be viewed with:

kubectl get -n dws-system dwdirectiverule nnf -o yaml

Valid Daemons

Each site should define the list of daemons that are valid for that site and recognized by that site's WLM. The initial nnf-ruleset.yaml defines only one, called copy-offload. When a user specifies copy-offload in their DW directive, they are stating that their compute-node application will use the Copy Offload API Daemon described in the Data Movement Configuration.