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Compute Daemons

Rabbit software requires two daemons be installed and run on each compute node. Each daemon shares similar build, package, and installation processes described below.

  • The Client Mount daemon, clientmount, provides the support for mounting Rabbit hosted file systems on compute nodes.
  • The Data Movement daemon, nnf-dm, supports creating, monitoring, and managing data movement (copy-offload) operations

Building from source

Each daemon can be built in their respective repositories using the build-daemon make target. Go version >= 1.19 must be installed to perform a local build.

RPM Package

Each daemon is packaged as part of the build process in GitHub. Source and Binary RPMs are available.


For manual install, place the binary in the /usr/bin/ directory.

To install the application as a daemon service, run /usr/bin/[BINARY-NAME] install


NNF software defines a Kubernetes Service Account for granting communication privileges between the daemon and the kubeapi server. The token file and certificate file can be obtained by providing the necessary Service Account and Namespace to the below shell script.

Compute Daemon Service Account Namespace
Client Mount dws-operator-controller-manager dws-operator-system
Data Movement nnf-dm-controller-manager nnf-dm-system


kubectl get secret ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json | jq -Mr '.data.token' | base64 --decode > ./service.token
kubectl get secret ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} -n ${NAMESPACE} -o json | jq -Mr '.data["ca.crt"]' | base64 -decode > ./service.cert

The service.token and service.cert files must be copied to each compute node, typically in the /etc/[BINARY-NAME]/ directory


Installing the daemon will create a default configuration located at /etc/systemd/system/[BINARY-NAME].service

The command line arguments can be provided to the service definition or as an override file.

Argument Definition
--kubernetes-service-host=[ADDRESS] The IP address or DNS entry of the kubeapi server
--kubernetes-service-port=[PORT] The listening port of the kubeapi server
--service-token-file=[PATH] Location of the service token file
--service-cert-file=[PATH] Location of the service certificate file
--node-name=[COMPUTE-NODE-NAME] Name of this compute node as described in the System Configuration. Defaults to the host name reported by the OS.
--nnf-node-name=[RABBIT-NODE-NAME] nnf-dm daemon only. Name of the rabbit node connected to this compute node as described in the System Configuration. If not provided, the --node-name value is used to find the associated Rabbit node in the System Configuration.
--sys-config=[NAME] nnf-dm daemon only. The System Configuration resource's name. Defaults to default

For example:

cat /etc/systemd/system/nnf-dm.service
Description=Near-Node Flash (NNF) Data Movement Service

ExecStartPre=/bin/rm -f /var/run/
ExecStart=/usr/bin/nnf-dm \
   --kubernetes-service-host= \
   --kubernetes-service-port=7777 \
   --service-token-file=/path/to/service.token \
   --service-cert-file=/path/to/service.cert \
   --node-name=this-compute-node \


nnf-dm Specific Configuration

nnf-dm has some additional configuration options that can be used to tweak the kubernetes client:

Argument Definition
--kubernetes-qps=[QPS] The number of Queries Per Second (QPS) before client-side rate-limiting starts. Defaults to 50.
--kubernetes-burst=[QPS] Once QPS is hit, allow this many concurrent calls. Defaults to 100.

Easy Deployment

The nnf-deploy tool's install command can be used to run the daemons on a system's set of compute nodes. This option will compile the latest daemon binaries, retrieve the service token and certificates, and will copy and install the daemons on each of the compute nodes. Refer to the nnf-deploy repository and run nnf-deploy install --help for details.