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Releasing NNF Software

NNF Software Overview

The following repositories comprise the NNF Software and each have their own versions. There is a hierarchy, since nnf-deploy packages the individual components together using submodules.

Each component under nnf-deploy needs to be released first, then nnf-deploy can be updated to point to those release versions, then nnf-deploy itself can be updated and released.

The documentation repo (NearNodeFlash/ is released separately and is not part of nnf-deploy, but it should match the version number of nnf-deploy. Release this like the other components.

nnf-ec is vendored in as part of nnf-sos and does not need to be released separately.


This document is based on the process set forth by the DataWorkflowServices Release Process. Please read that as a background for this document before going any further.


To create tags and releases, you will need maintainer or admin rights on the repos.

Release Each Component In nnf-deploy

You'll first need to create releases for each component contained in nnf-deploy. This section describes that process.

Each release branch needs to be updated with what is on master. To do that, we'll need the latest copy of master, and it will ultimately be merged to the releases/v0 branch via a Pull Request. Once merged, an annotated tag is created and then a release.

Each component has its own version number that needs to be incremented. Make sure you change the version numbers in the commands below to match the new version for the component. The v0.0.3 is just an example.

  1. Ensure your branches are up to date:

    git checkout master
    git pull
    git checkout releases/v0
    git pull
  2. Create a branch to merge into the release branch:

    git checkout -b release-v0.0.3
  3. Merge in the updates from the master branch. There should not be any conflicts, but it's not unheard of. Tread carefully if there are conflicts.

    git merge master
  4. Verify that there are no differences between your branch and the master branch:

    git diff master

    If there are any differences, they must be trivial. Some READMEs may have extra lines at the end.

  5. Perform repo-specific updates:

    1. For lustre-csi-driver, lustre-fs-operator, dws, nnf-sos, and nnf-dm there are additional files that need to track the version number as well, which allow them to be installed with kubectl apply -k.
    Repo Update
    nnf-mfu The new version of nnf-mfu is referenced by the NNFMFU variable in several places:

    1. Makefile replace NNFMFU with nnf-mfu's tag.

    1. In Dockerfile and Makefile, replace NNFMFU_VERSION with the new version.
    2. In config/manager/kustomization.yaml, replace nnf-mfu's newTag: <X.Y.Z>.

    1. In config/repositories.yaml replace NNFMFU_VERSION with the new version.
    lustre-fs-operator update config/manager/kustomization.yaml with the correct version.

    1. In config/repositories.yaml replace the lustre-fs-operator version.
    dws update config/manager/kustomization.yaml with the correct version.
    nnf-sos update config/manager/kustomization.yaml with the correct version.
    nnf-dm update config/manager/kustomization.yaml with the correct version.
    lustre-csi-driver update deploy/kubernetes/base/kustomization.yaml and charts/lustre-csi-driver/values.yaml with the correct version.

    1. In config/repositories.yaml replace the lustre-csi-driver version.
  6. Target the releases/v0 branch with a Pull Request from your branch. When merging the Pull Request, you must use a Merge Commit.


    Do not Rebase or Squash! Those actions remove the records that Git uses to determine which commits have been merged, and then when the next release is created Git will treat everything like a conflict. Additionally, this will cause auto-generated release notes to include the previous release.

  7. Once merged, update the release branch locally and create an annotated tag. Each repo has a workflow job named create_release that will create a release automatically when the new tag is pushed.

    git checkout releases/v0
    git pull
    git tag -a v0.0.3 -m "Release v0.0.3"
    git push origin --tags
  8. GOTO Step 1 and repeat this process for each remaining component.

Release nnf-deploy

Once the individual components are released, we need to update the submodules in nnf-deploy's master branch before we create the release branch. This ensures that everything is current on master for nnf-deploy.

  1. Update the submodules for nnf-deploy on master:

    cd nnf-deploy
    git checkout master
    git pull
    git submodule foreach git checkout master
    git submodule foreach git pull
  2. Create a branch to capture the submodule changes for the PR to master

    git checkout -b update-submodules
  3. Commit the changes and open a Pull Request against the master branch.

  4. Once merged, follow steps 1-3 from the previous section to create a release branch off of releases/v0 and update it with changes from master.

  5. There will be conflicts for the submodules after step 3. This is expected. Update the submodules to the new tags and then commit the changes. If each tag was committed properly, the following command can do this for you:

    git submodule foreach 'git checkout `git describe --match="v*" HEAD`'
  6. Add each submodule to the commit with git add.

  7. Verify that each submodule is now at the proper tagged version.

    git submodule
  8. Update config/repositories.yaml with the referenced versions for:

    1. lustre-csi-driver
    2. lustre-fs-operator
    3. nnf-mfu (Search for NNFMFU_VERSION)
  9. Tidy and make nnf-deploy to avoid embarrassment.

    go mod tidy
  10. Do another git add for any changes, particularly go.mod and/or go.sum.

  11. Verify that git status is happy with nnf-deploy and then finalize the merge from master by with a git commit.

  12. Follow steps 6-7 from the previous section to finalize the release of nnf-deploy.


Please review and update the documentation for changes you may have made.

After nnf-deploy has a release tag, you may release the documentation. Use the same steps found above in "Release Each Component". Note that the default branch for this repo is "main" instead of "master".

Give this release a tag that matches the nnf-deploy release, to show that they go together. Create the release by using the "Create release" or "Draft a new release" button in the GUI, or by using the gh release create CLI command. Whether using the GUI or the CLI, mark the release as "latest" and select the appropriate option to generate release notes.

Wait for the mike tool in .github/workflow/release.yaml to finish building the new doc. You can check its status by going to the gh-pages branch in the repo. When you visit the release at, you should see the new release in the drop-down menu and the new release should be the default display.

The software is now released!

Clone a release

The follow commands clone release v0.0.7 into nnf-deploy-v0.0.7

export NNF_VERSION=v0.0.7

git clone --recurse-submodules nnf-deploy-$NNF_VERSION
cd nnf-deploy-$NNF_VERSION
git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout $NNF_VERSION --recurse-submodules

git submodule status