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NNF User Containers

NNF User Containers are a mechanism to allow user-defined containerized applications to be run on Rabbit nodes with access to NNF ephemeral and persistent storage.


Container workflows are orchestrated through the use of two components: Container Profiles and Container Directives. A Container Profile defines the container to be executed. Most importantly, it allows you to specify which NNF storages are accessible within the container and which container image to run. The containers are executed on the NNF nodes that are allocated to your container workflow. These containers can be executed in either of two modes: Non-MPI and MPI.

For Non-MPI applications, the image and command are launched across all the targeted NNF Nodes in a uniform manner. This is useful in simple applications, where non-distributed behavior is desired.

For MPI applications, a single launcher container serves as the point of contact, responsible for distributing tasks to various worker containers. Each of the NNF nodes targeted by the workflow receives its corresponding worker container. The focus of this documentation will be on MPI applications.

To see a full working example before diving into these docs, see Putting It All Together.

Before Creating a Container Workflow

Before creating a workflow, a working NnfContainerProfile must exist. This profile is referenced in the container directive supplied with the workflow.

Container Profiles

The author of a containerized application will work with the administrator to define a pod specification template for the container and to create an appropriate NnfContainerProfile resource for the container. The image and tag for the user's container will be specified in the profile.

The image must be available in a registry that is available to your system. This could be,, etc., or a private registry. Note that for a private registry, some additional setup is required. See here for more info.

The image itself has a few requirements. See here for more info on building images.

New NnfContainerProfile resources may be created by copying one of the provided example profiles from the nnf-system namespace . The examples may be found by listing them with kubectl:

kubectl get nnfcontainerprofiles -n nnf-system

The next few subsections provide an overview of the primary components comprising an NnfContainerProfile. However, it's important to note that while these sections cover the key aspects, they don't encompass every single detail. For an in-depth understanding of the capabilities offered by container profiles, we recommend referring to the following resources:

Container Storages

The Storages defined in the profile allow NNF filesystems to be made available inside of the container. These storages need to be referenced in the container workflow unless they are marked as optional.

There are three types of storages available to containers:

  • local non-persistent storage (created via #DW jobdw directives)
  • persistent storage (created via #DW create_persistent directives)
  • global lustre storage (defined by LustreFilesystems)

For local and persistent storage, only GFS2 and Lustre filesystems are supported. Raw and XFS filesystems cannot be mounted more than once, so they cannot be mounted inside of a container while also being mounted on the NNF node itself.

For each storage in the profile, the name must follow these patterns (depending on the storage type):

  • DW_JOB_<storage_name>
  • DW_PERSISTENT_<storage_name>
  • DW_GLOBAL_<storage_name>

<storage_name> is provided by the user and needs to be a name compatible with Linux environment variables (so underscores must be used, not dashes), since the storage mount directories are provided to the container via environment variables.

This storage name is used in container workflow directives to reference the NNF storage name that defines the filesystem. Find more info on that in Creating a Container Workflow.

Storages may be deemed as optional in a profile. If a storage is not optional, the storage name must be set to the name of an NNF filesystem name in the container workflow.

For global lustre, there is an additional field for pvcMode, which must match the mode that is configured in the LustreFilesystem resource that represents the global lustre filesystem. This defaults to ReadWriteMany.


  - name: DW_JOB_foo_local_storage
    optional: false
  - name: DW_PERSISTENT_foo_persistent_storage
    optional: true
  - name: DW_GLOBAL_foo_global_lustre
    optional: true
    pvcMode: ReadWriteMany

Container Spec

As mentioned earlier, container workflows can be categorized into two types: MPI and Non-MPI. It's essential to choose and define only one of these types within the container profile. Regardless of the type chosen, the data structure that implements the specification is equipped with two "standard" resources that are distinct from NNF custom resources.

For Non-MPI containers, the specification utilizes the spec resource. This is the standard Kubernetes PodSpec that outlines the desired configuration for the pod.

For MPI containers, mpiSpec is used. This custom resource, available through MPIJobSpec from mpi-operator, serves as a facilitator for executing MPI applications across worker containers. This resource can be likened to a wrapper around a PodSpec, but users need to define a PodSpec for both Launcher and Worker containers.

See the MPIJobSpec definition for more details on what can be configured for an MPI application.

It's important to bear in mind that the NNF Software is designed to override specific values within the MPIJobSpec for ensuring the desired behavior in line with NNF software requirements. To prevent complications, it's advisable not to delve too deeply into the specification. A few illustrative examples of fields that are overridden by the NNF Software include:

  • Replicas
  • RunPolicy.BackoffLimit
  • Worker/Launcher.RestartPolicy
  • SSHAuthMountPath

By keeping these considerations in mind and refraining from extensive alterations to the specification, you can ensure a smoother integration with the NNF Software and mitigate any potential issues that may arise.

Please see the Sample and Examples listed above for more detail on container Specs.

Container Ports

Container Profiles allow for ports to be reserved for a container workflow. numPorts can be used to specify the number of ports needed for a container workflow. The ports are opened on each targeted NNF node and are accessible outside of the cluster. Users must know how to contact the specific NNF node. It is recommend that DNS entries are made for this purpose.

In the workflow, the allocated port numbers are made available via the NNF_CONTAINER_PORTS environment variable.

The workflow requests this number of ports from the NnfPortManager, which is responsible for managing the ports allocated to container workflows. This resource can be inspected to see which ports are allocated.

Once a port is assigned to a workflow, that port number becomes unavailable for use by any other workflow until it is released.


The SystemConfiguration must be configured to allow for a range of ports, otherwise container workflows will fail in the Setup state due to insufficient resources. See SystemConfiguration Setup.

SystemConfiguration Setup

In order for container workflows to request ports from the NnfPortManager, the SystemConfiguration must be configured for a range of ports:

kind: SystemConfiguration
  name: default
  namespace: default
  # Ports is the list of ports available for communication between nodes in the
  # system. Valid values are single integers, or a range of values of the form
  # "START-END" where START is an integer value that represents the start of a
  # port range and END is an integer value that represents the end of the port
  # range (inclusive).
    - 4000-4999
  # PortsCooldownInSeconds is the number of seconds to wait before a port can be
  # reused. Defaults to 60 seconds (to match the typical value for the kernel's
  # TIME_WAIT). A value of 0 means the ports can be reused immediately.
  # Defaults to 60s if not set.
  portsCooldownInSeconds: 60

ports is empty by default, and must be set by an administrator.

Multiple port ranges can be specified in this list, as well as single integers. This must be a safe port range that does not interfere with the ephemeral port range of the Linux kernel. The range should also account for the estimated number of simultaneous users that are running container workflows.

Once a container workflow is done, the port is released and the NnfPortManager will not allow reuse of the port until the amount of time specified by portsCooldownInSeconds has elapsed. Then the port can be reused by another container workflow.

Restricting To User ID or Group ID

New NnfContainerProfile resources may be restricted to a specific user ID or group ID . When a data.userID or data.groupID is specified in the profile, only those Workflow resources having a matching user ID or group ID will be allowed to use that profile . If the profile specifies both of these IDs, then the Workflow resource must match both of them.

Creating a Container Workflow

The user's workflow will specify the name of the NnfContainerProfile in a DW directive. If the custom profile is named red-rock-slushy then it will be specified in the #DW container directive with the profile parameter.

#DW container profile=red-rock-slushy  [...]

Furthermore, to set the container storages for the workflow, storage parameters must also be supplied in the workflow. This is done using the <storage_name> (see Container Storages) and setting it to the name of a storage directive that defines an NNF filesystem. That storage directive must already exist as part of another workflow (e.g. persistent storage) or it can be supplied in the same workflow as the container. For global lustre, the LustreFilesystem must exist that represents the global lustre filesystem.

In this example, we're creating a GFS2 filesystem to accompany the container directive. We're using the red-rock-slushy profile which contains a non-optional storage called DW_JOB_local_storage:

kind: NnfContainerProfile
  name: red-rock-slushy
  - name: DW_JOB_local_storage
    optional: false

The resulting container directive looks like this:

#DW jobdw name=my-gfs2 type=gfs2 capacity=100GB"
#DW container name=my-container profile=red-rock-slushy DW_JOB_local_storage=my-gfs2

Once the workflow progresses, this will create a 100GB GFS2 filesystem that is then mounted into the container upon creation. An environment variable called DW_JOB_local_storage is made available inside of the container and provides the path to the mounted NNF GFS2 filesystem. An application running inside of the container can then use this variable to get to the filesystem mount directory. See here.

Multiple storages can be defined in the container directives. Only one container directive is allowed per workflow.


GFS2 filesystems have special considerations since the mount directory contains directories for every compute node. See GFS2 Index Mounts for more info.

Targeting Nodes

For container directives, compute nodes must be assigned to the workflow. The NNF software will trace the compute nodes back to their local NNF nodes and the containers will be executed on those NNF nodes. The act of assigning compute nodes to your container workflow instructs the NNF software to select the NNF nodes that run the containers.

For the jobdw directive that is included above, the servers (i.e. NNF nodes) must also be assigned along with the computes.

Running a Container Workflow

Once the workflow is created, the WLM progresses it through the following states. This is a quick overview of the container-related behavior that occurs:

  • Proposal: Verify storages are provided according to the container profile.
  • Setup: If applicable, request ports from NnfPortManager.
  • DataIn: No container related activity.
  • PreRun: Appropriate MPIJob or Job(s) are created for the workflow. In turn, user containers are created and launched by Kubernetes. Containers are expected to start in this state.
  • PostRun: Once in PostRun, user containers are expected to complete (non-zero exit) successfully.
  • DataOut: No container related activity.
  • Teardown: Ports are released; MPIJob or Job(s) are deleted, which in turn deletes the user containers.

The two main states of a container workflow (i.e. PreRun, PostRun) are discussed further in the following sections.


In PreRun, the containers are created and expected to start. Once the containers reach a non-initialization state (i.e. Running), the containers are considered to be started and the workflow can advance.

By default, containers are expected to start within 60 seconds. If not, the workflow reports an Error that the containers cannot be started. This value is configurable via the preRunTimeoutSeconds field in the container profile.

To summarize the PreRun behavior:

  • If the container starts successfully (running), transition to Completed status.
  • If the container fails to start, transition to the Error status.
  • If the container is initializing and has not started after preRunTimeoutSeconds seconds, terminate the container and transition to the Error status.

Init Containers

The NNF Software injects Init Containers into the container specification to perform initialization tasks. These containers must run to completion before the main container can start.

These initialization tasks include:

  • Ensuring the proper permissions (i.e. UID/GID) are available in the main container
  • For MPI jobs, ensuring the launcher pod can contact each worker pod via DNS

PreRun Completed

Once PreRun has transitioned to Completed status, the user container is now running and the WLM should initiate applications on the compute nodes. Utilizing container ports, the applications on the compute nodes can establish communication with the user containers, which are running on the local NNF node attached to the computes.

This communication allows for the compute node applications to drive certain behavior inside of the user container. For example, once the compute node application is complete, it can signal to the user container that it is time to perform cleanup or data migration action.


In PostRun, the containers are expected to exit cleanly with a zero exit code. If a container fails to exit cleanly, the Kubernetes software attempts a number of retries based on the configuration of the container profile. It continues to do this until the container exits successfully, or until the retryLimit is hit - whichever occurs first. In the latter case, the workflow reports an Error.

Read up on the Failure Retries for more information on retries.

Furthermore, the container profile features a postRunTimeoutSeconds field. If this timeout is reached before the container successfully exits, it triggers an Error status. The timer for this timeout begins upon entry into the PostRun phase, allowing the containers the specified period to execute before the workflow enters an Error status.

To recap the PostRun behavior:

  • If the container exits successfully, transition to Completed status.
  • If the container exits unsuccessfully after retryLimit number of retries, transition to the Error status.
  • If the container is running and has not exited after postRunTimeoutSeconds seconds, terminate the container and transition to the Error status.

Failure Retries

If a container fails (non-zero exit code), the Kubernetes software implements retries. The number of retries can be set via the retryLimit field in the container profile. If a non-zero exit code is detected, the Kubernetes software creates a new instance of the pod and retries. The default number of retries for retryLimit is set to 6, which is the default value for Kubernetes Jobs. This means that if the pods fails every single time, there will be 7 failed pods in total since it attempted 6 retries after the first failure.

To understand this behavior more, see Pod backoff failure policy in the Kubernetes documentation. This explains the retry (i.e. backoff) behavior in more detail.

It is important to note that due to the configuration of the MPIJob and/or Job that is created for User Containers, the container retries are immediate - there is no backoff timeout between retires. This is due to the NNF Software setting the RestartPolicy to Never, which causes a new pod to spin up after every failure rather than re-use (i.e. restart) the previously failed pod. This allows a user to see a complete history of the failed pod(s) and the logs can easily be obtained. See more on this at Handling Pod and container failures in the Kubernetes documentation.

Putting it All Together

See the NNF Container Example for a working example of how to run a simple MPI application inside of an NNF User Container and run it through a Container Workflow.


Environment Variables

Two sets of environment variables are available with container workflows: Container and Compute Node. The former are the variables that are available inside the user containers. The latter are the variables that are provided back to the DWS workflow, which in turn are collected by the WLM and provided to compute nodes. See the WLM documentation for more details.

Container Environment Variables

These variables are provided for use inside the container. They can be used as part of the container command in the NNF Container Profile or within the container itself.


Each storage defined by a container profile and used in a container workflow results in a corresponding environment variable. This variable is used to hold the mount directory of the filesystem.

GFS2 Index Mounts

When using a GFS2 file system, each compute is allocated its own NNF volume. The NNF software mounts a collection of directories that are indexed (e.g. 0/, 1/, etc) to the compute nodes.

Application authors must be aware that their desired GFS2 mount-point really a collection of directories, one for each compute node. It is the responsibility of the author to understand the underlying filesystem mounted at the storage environment variable (e.g. $DW_JOB_my_gfs2_storage).

Each compute node's application can leave breadcrumbs (e.g. hostnames) somewhere on the GFS2 filesystem mounted on the compute node. This can be used to identify the index mount directory to a compute node from the application running inside of the user container.

Here is an example of 3 compute nodes on an NNF node targeted in a GFS2 workflow:

$ ls $DW_JOB_my_gfs2_storage/*

Node positions are not absolute locations. The WLM could, in theory, select 6 physical compute nodes at physical location 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, which would appear as directories /0 through /5 in the container mount path.

Additionally, not all container instances could see the same number of compute nodes in an indexed-mount scenario. If 17 compute nodes are required for the job, WLM may assign 16 nodes to run one NNF node, and 1 node to another NNF. The first NNF node would have 16 index directories, whereas the 2nd would only contain 1.

Hostnames and Domains

Containers can contact one another via Kubernetes cluster networking. This functionality is provided by DNS. Environment variables are provided that allow a user to be able to piece together the FQDN so that the other containers can be contacted.

This example demonstrates an MPI container workflow, with two worker pods. Two worker pods means two pods/containers running on two NNF nodes.


See the NNF_CONTAINER_PORTS section under Compute Node Environment Variables.

mpiuser@my-container-workflow-launcher:~$ env | grep NNF
NNF_CONTAINER_HOSTNAMES=my-container-workflow-launcher my-container-workflow-worker-0 my-container-workflow-worker-1

The container FQDN consists of the following: <HOSTNAME>.<SUBDOMAIN>.<DOMAIN>. To contact the other worker container from worker 0, would be used.

For MPI-based containers, an alternate way to retrieve this information is to look at the default hostfile, provided by mpi-operator. This file lists out all the worker nodes' FQDNs:

mpiuser@my-container-workflow-launcher:~$ cat /etc/mpi/hostfile slots=1 slots=1

Compute Node Environment Variables

These environment variables are provided to the compute node via the WLM by way of the DWS Workflow. Note that these environment variables are consistent across all the compute nodes for a given workflow.


It's important to note that the variables presented here pertain exclusively to User Container-related variables. This list does not encompass the entirety of NNF environment variables accessible to the compute node through the Workload Manager (WLM)


If the NNF Container Profile requests container ports, then this environment variable provides the allocated ports for the container. This is a comma separated list of ports if multiple ports are requested.

This allows an application on the compute node to contact the user container running on its local NNF node via these port numbers. The compute node must have proper routing to the NNF Node and needs a generic way of contacting the NNF node. It is suggested than a DNS entry is provided via /etc/hosts, or similar.

For cases where one port is requested, the following can be used to contact the user container running on the NNF node (assuming a DNS entry for local-rabbit is provided via /etc/hosts).


Creating Images

For details, refer to the NNF Container Example Readme. However, in broad terms, an image that is capable of supporting MPI necessitates the following components:

  • User Application: Your specific application
  • Open MPI: Incorporate Open MPI to facilitate MPI operations
  • SSH Server: Including an SSH server to enable communication
  • nslookup: To validate Launcher/Worker container communication over the network

By ensuring the presence of these components, users can create an image that supports MPI operations on the NNF platform.

The nnf-mfu image serves as a suitable base image, encompassing all the essential components required for this purpose.

Using a Private Container Repository

The user's containerized application may be placed in a private repository . In this case, the user must define an access token to be used with that repository, and that token must be made available to the Rabbit's Kubernetes environment so that it can pull that container from the private repository.

See Pull an Image from a Private Registry in the Kubernetes documentation for more information.

About the Example

Each container registry will have its own way of letting its users create tokens to be used with their repositories . Docker Hub will be used for the private repository in this example, and the user's account on Docker Hub will be "dean".

Preparing the Private Repository

The user's application container is named "red-rock-slushy" . To store this container on Docker Hub the user must log into with their browser and click the "Create repository" button to create a repository named "red-rock-slushy", and the user must check the box that marks the repository as private . The repository's name will be displayed as "dean/red-rock-slushy" with a lock icon to show that it is private.

Create and Push a Container

The user will create their container image in the usual ways, naming it for their private repository and tagging it according to its release.

Prior to pushing images to the repository, the user must complete a one-time login to the Docker registry using the docker command-line tool.

docker login -u dean

After completing the login, the user may then push their images to the repository.

docker push dean/red-rock-slushy:v1.0

Generate a Read-Only Token

A read-only token must be generated to allow Kubernetes to pull that container image from the private repository, because Kubernetes will not be running as that user . This token must be given to the administrator, who will use it to create a Kubernetes secret.

To log in and generate a read-only token to share with the administrator, the user must follow these steps:

  • Visit and log in using their browser.
  • Click on the username in the upper right corner.
  • Select "Account Settings" and navigate to "Security".
  • Click the "New Access Token" button to create a read-only token.
  • Keep a copy of the generated token to share with the administrator.

Store the Read-Only Token as a Kubernetes Secret

The administrator must store the user's read-only token as a kubernetes secret . The secret must be placed in the default namespace, which is the same namespace where the user containers will be run . The secret must include the user's Docker Hub username and the email address they have associated with that username . In this case, the secret will be named readonly-red-rock-slushy.

kubectl create secret docker-registry $SECRET_NAME -n default --docker-server="" --docker-username=$USER_NAME --docker-password=$USER_TOKEN --docker-email=$USER_EMAIL

Add the Secret to the NnfContainerProfile

The administrator must add an imagePullSecrets list to the NnfContainerProfile resource that was created for this user's containerized application.

The following profile shows the placement of the readonly-red-rock-slushy secret which was created in the previous step, and points to the user's dean/red-rock-slushy:v1.0 container.

kind: NnfContainerProfile
  name: red-rock-slushy
  namespace: nnf-system
  pinned: false
  retryLimit: 6
    - name: readonly-red-rock-slushy
    - command:
      - /users-application
      image: dean/red-rock-slushy:v1.0
      name: red-rock-app
  - name: DW_JOB_foo_local_storage
    optional: false
  - name: DW_PERSISTENT_foo_persistent_storage
    optional: true

Now any user can select this profile in their Workflow by specifying it in a #DW container directive.

#DW container profile=red-rock-slushy  [...]

Using a Private Container Repository for MPI Application Containers

If our user's containerized application instead contains an MPI application, because perhaps it's a private copy of nnf-mfu, then the administrator would insert two imagePullSecrets lists into the mpiSpec of the NnfContainerProfile for the MPI launcher and the MPI worker.

kind: NnfContainerProfile
  name: mpi-red-rock-slushy
  namespace: nnf-system
    mpiImplementation: OpenMPI
            - name: readonly-red-rock-slushy
            - command:
              - mpirun
              - dcmp
              - $(DW_JOB_foo_local_storage)/0
              - $(DW_JOB_foo_local_storage)/1
              image: dean/red-rock-slushy:v2.0
              name: red-rock-launcher
            - name: readonly-red-rock-slushy
            - image: dean/red-rock-slushy:v2.0
              name: red-rock-worker
      cleanPodPolicy: Running
      suspend: false
    slotsPerWorker: 1
    sshAuthMountPath: /root/.ssh
  pinned: false
  retryLimit: 6
  - name: DW_JOB_foo_local_storage
    optional: false
  - name: DW_PERSISTENT_foo_persistent_storage
    optional: true

Now any user can select this profile in their Workflow by specifying it in a #DW container directive.

#DW container profile=mpi-red-rock-slushy  [...]