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Draining A Node

The NNF software consists of a collection of DaemonSets and Deployments. The pods on the Rabbit nodes are usually from DaemonSets. Because of this, the kubectl drain command is not able to remove the NNF software from a node. See Safely Drain a Node for details about the limitations posed by DaemonSet pods.

Given the limitations of DaemonSets, the NNF software will be drained by using taints, as described in Taints and Tolerations.

Drain NNF Pods From A Rabbit Node

Drain the NNF software from a node by applying the cray.nnf.node.drain taint. The CSI driver pods will remain on the node to satisfy any unmount requests from k8s as it cleans up the NNF pods.

kubectl taint node $NODE cray.nnf.node.drain=true:NoSchedule cray.nnf.node.drain=true:NoExecute

To restore the node to service, remove the cray.nnf.node.drain taint.

kubectl taint node $NODE cray.nnf.node.drain-

The CSI Driver

While the CSI driver pods may be drained from a Rabbit node, it is advisable not to do so.

Warning K8s relies on the CSI driver to unmount any filesystems that may have been mounted into a pod's namespace. If it is not present when k8s is attempting to remove a pod then the pod may be left in "Terminating" state. This is most obvious when draining the nnf-dm-worker pods which usually have filesystems mounted in them.

Drain the CSI driver pod from a node by applying the cray.nnf.node.drain.csi taint.

kubectl taint node $NODE cray.nnf.node.drain.csi=true:NoSchedule cray.nnf.node.drain.csi=true:NoExecute

To restore the CSI driver pods to that node, remove the cray.nnf.node.drain.csi taint.

kubectl taint node $NODE cray.nnf.node.drain.csi-

This taint will also drain the remaining NNF software if has not already been drained by the cray.nnf.node.drain taint.