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Data Movement Configuration

Data Movement can be configured in multiple ways:

  1. Server side
  2. Per Copy Offload API Request arguments

The first method is a "global" configuration - it affects all data movement operations. The second is done per the Copy Offload API, which allows for some configuration on a per-case basis, but is limited in scope. Both methods are meant to work in tandem.

Server Side ConfigMap

The server side configuration is done via the nnf-dm-config config map:

kubectl -n nnf-dm-system get configmap nnf-dm-config

The config map allows you to configure the following:

Setting Description
slots The number of slots specified in the MPI hostfile. A value less than 1 disables the use of slots in the hostfile.
maxSlots The number of max_slots specified in the MPI hostfile. A value less than 1 disables the use of max_slots in the hostfile.
command The full command to execute data movement. More detail in the following section.
progressIntervalSeconds interval to collect the progress data from the dcp command.


The full data movement command can be set here. By default, Data Movement uses mpirun to run dcp to perform the data movement. Changing the command is useful for tweaking mpirun or dcp options or to replace the command with something that can aid in debugging (e.g. hostname).

mpirun uses hostfiles to list the hosts to launch dcp on. This hostfile is created for each Data Movement operation, and it uses the config map to set the slots and maxSlots for each host (i.e. NNF node) in the hostfile. The number of slots/maxSlots is the same for every host in the hostfile.

Additionally, Data Movement uses substitution to fill in dynamic information for each Data Movement operation. Each of these must be present in the command for Data Movement to work properly when using mpirun and dcp:

VAR Description
$HOSTFILE hostfile that is created and used for mpirun.
$UID User ID that is inherited from the Workflow.
$GID Group ID that is inherited from the Workflow.
$SRC source for the data movement.
$DEST destination for the data movement.

By default, the command will look something like the following. Please see the config map itself for the most up to date default command:

mpirun --allow-run-as-root --hostfile $HOSTFILE dcp --progress 1 --uid $UID --gid $GID $SRC $DEST


Profiles can be specified in the in the nnf-dm-config config map. Users are able to select a profile using #DW directives (e.g .copy_in profile=my-dm-profile) and the Copy Offload API. If no profile is specified, the default profile is used. This default profile must exist in the config map.

slots, maxSlots, and command can be stored in Data Movement profiles. These profiles are available to quickly switch between different settings for a particular workflow.

Example profiles:

      slots: 8
      maxSlots: 0
      command: mpirun --allow-run-as-root --hostfile $HOSTFILE dcp --progress 1 --uid $UID --gid $GID $SRC $DEST
      slots: 8
      maxSlots: 0
      command: mpirun --allow-run-as-root --hostfile $HOSTFILE dcp --progress 1 --xattrs none --uid $UID --gid $GID $SRC $DEST

Copy Offload API Daemon

The CreateRequest API call that is used to create Data Movement with the Copy Offload API has some options to allow a user to specify some options for that particular Data Movement. These settings are on a per-request basis.

The Copy Offload API requires the nnf-dm daemon to be running on the compute node. This daemon may be configured to run full-time, or it may be left in a disabled state if the WLM is expected to run it only when a user requests it. See Compute Daemons for the systemd service configuration of the daemon. See RequiredDaemons in Directive Breakdown for a description of how the user may request the daemon, in the case where the WLM will run it only on demand.

If the WLM is running the nnf-dm daemon only on demand, then the user can request that the daemon be running for their job by specifying requires=copy-offload in their DW directive. The following is an example:

#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=1GB name=stg1 requires=copy-offload

See the DataMovementCreateRequest API definition for what can be configured.

SELinux and Data Movement

Careful consideration must be taken when enabling SELinux on compute nodes. Doing so will result in SELinux Extended File Attributes (xattrs) being placed on files created by applications running on the compute node, which may not be supported by the destination file system (e.g. Lustre).

Depending on the configuration of dcp, there may be an attempt to copy these xattrs. You may need to disable this by using dcp --xattrs none to avoid errors. For example, the command in the nnf-dm-config config map or dcpOptions in the DataMovementCreateRequest API could be used to set this option.

See the dcp documentation for more information.